One of important purposes of Privatization in different countries is to improve efficiency. This research has been studies based on using financial statements of ceded companies to privatization, for analyzing" Return on Stock" for the periods before and after privatization and also a similar period for ceded companies and so companies which is remained as governmental.
¬Researcher, based on literature related to privatization and the fundamentals of theories of "Return on Stock", the following research hypothesis for the examination of the said data so could find a suitable field for his research.
A) Main Hypothesis:
1. Privatization of government companies has positive effect on "Return on stock".
B) Subordinate Hypothesis:
1. Average of "Return on stock" before privatization with average of "Return on stock" after privatization has meaningful different.
2. Among average of "Return on stock" of ceded companies and average of "Return on stock" of" Control Group" has meaningful different, in view of statistics.
Results of this research represents that after of privatization," Return on stock" of companies has not meaningful different, but, this different in overall is not positive. Also in a similar period (3 years), companies what remained as governmental and what privatized, is not meaningful different among their "Return on stock".
With respect to test results, evidences provided that main hypothesis of research is not confirm. However, execution of privatization is not enable to achievement for its purposes, that is , improving" Return on Stock" of companies.